Ever wonder when is the best day for your annual furnace inspection? Turns out it's today (and if that's too soon, tomorrow is the second best day). Preventative maintenance is a hard thing for most of us to pay for.Nothing (or at least nothing you can see) is wrong with your furnace, so why spend money having a pro run through an inspection every year?
Prevention is always, always more affordable than reaction. Brushing your teeth is less painful and less expensive than a root canal. It’s easier to maintain a healthy weight through exercise than to lose weight. It’s easier to get an oil change than to replace the entire engine of your car.
How exactly does prevention apply to your furnace today?
Your furnace has all sorts of moving parts. They wear out over time if not properly maintained. Preventative maintenance for your furnace saves you money by:
- Improving furnace efficiency. Over a winter of hard use, your furnace gets tired. Parts don’t move as smoothly together, fuel doesn’t burn as cleanly as it did at the start of the season. If you skip furnace maintenance this year, you’ll probably pay around 10% more in daily energy use than last year.
- Helping your family avoid expensive repairs. When a furnace breaks down in the middle of winter, you call for emergency repairs. An emergency call is more expensive than a maintenance visit for two main reasons – it requires faster action and it usually calls for significant part replacements. Once a part breaks, it most likely can’t be salvaged. New parts can be costly.
- Keeping your family healthy through cold and flu season. A maintained furnace is better at filtering your recirculated air. Air inside your house can be lower quality than the air outside. If your furnace is up to the task, it will keep your air much cleaner.
- Extending the lifespan of your furnace. A healthier furnace lives longer, so you can put off the expense of buying a new unit for 5-10 more years. In that time you may move to a new home, so you might never have to invest in a new furnace if you invest in maintenance.
- Protecting your warranty. Don’t give the manufacturer any reason to reject your warranty claim. Keep up with maintenance.
Healthy people live longer, more productive lives. The same goes for your furnace!
The most comprehensive maintenance and inspection in the industry
When your family books a member of our team for furnace maintenance, we look at more than just the filter and burner (of course, we do look at those parts too).
- Review the supply voltage and motor amperage.
- Inspect wiring throughout the furnace for cracks or loose connections.
- Examine air venting.
- Undertake a complete safety check.
- Check temperature rise.
- Vacuum and clean furnace.
- Examine the flue for blockages or corrosion.
- Ensure all dampers, registers and returns are open.
- Ensure drain line is clear of debris.
- Verify thermostat operation and accuracy.
- Prove the safety controls.
- Verify the integrity of the heat exchanger, fan motor and blower assembly.
Sometimes we do more, depending on what we find inside your furnace.
Book Your Annual Furnace Inspection Today
We want to build relationships with our customers, so providing the most cost-effective solution to any issues we find is always a priority. We aren’t there to make a quick buck. We want to serve your family over the long term.
If it’s time for your furnace inspection (and if you’re here, it probably is), give us a call to schedule your visit. The team at Appleby Systems is passionate about your furnace's health!